The Nephilim

The Nephilim were a race of giants who roamed the Earth during the time of dinosaurs.

There were three types of Giants;

  1. The beastly giants.
  2. The morphing giants

The beastly giants were animal-like and rageful. The morphing giants had the ability to shrink and grow at their own will, through their ability to control their growth hormones from their pituitary glands.

When humans came to Earth, the beastly giants were banished to the realm of giants. However, the morphing giants were able to assimilate with humans, mixed with them, and had descendants that way. The giant gene became dormant with time. However, some descendants are able to trigger this gene.

These are the giants in the Cyber Core Universe. They are descendants of morphing giants.

Published by Keren Obara

Keren Obara is the Founder of Keraizen and Cyber Planet Universe. She has a Master of Science in Management from Middlesex University, UK.

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